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499 books found

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Author Title Pages
Sax Rohmer The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu 325
Sax Rohmer The Quest of the Sacred Slipper 232
Sax Rohmer The Return of Dr. Fu-Manchu 309
Sax Rohmer The Yellow Claw 402
Romain Rolland Clerambault - The Story of an Independent Spirit During the War 280
Romain Rolland Jean Christophe: in Paris - The Market-Place, Antoinette, the House 538
Romain Rolland Jean-Christophe Journey's End 655
Romain Rolland Jean-Christophe, Volume I 760
Romain Rolland Musicians of To-Day 300
T. W. Rolleston The High Deeds of Finn and other Bardic Romances of Ancient Ireland 247
Francis Rolt-Wheeler The Boy With the U.S. Census 288
George John Romanes Thoughts on Religion 159
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Franklin Delano Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address 7
Franklin Delano Roosevelt The Fireside Chats of Franklin Delano Roosevelt 298
Kermit Roosevelt War in the Garden of Eden 144
Theodore Roosevelt African and European Addresses 175
Theodore Roosevelt Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents - Section 2 (of 2) of Supplemental Volume: Theodore Roosevelt, Supplement 200
Theodore Roosevelt Hunting the Grisly and Other Sketches 183
Theodore Roosevelt Letters to His Children 161
Theodore Roosevelt The Naval War of 1812 - Or the History of the United States Navy during the Last War with Great - Britain to Which Is Appended an Account of the Battle of New Orleans 553
Theodore Roosevelt The Rough Riders 200
Theodore Roosevelt The Winning of the West, Volume 1 - From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1769-1776 355
Theodore Roosevelt The Winning of the West, Volume 2 - From the Alleghanies to the Mississippi, 1777-1783 435
Theodore Roosevelt The Winning of the West, Volume 3 - The Founding of the Trans-Alleghany Commonwealths, 1784-1790 311
Theodore Roosevelt The Winning of the West, Volume 4 - Louisiana and the Northwest, 1791-1807 342
Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt; an Autobiography 659
Theodore Roosevelt Through the Brazilian Wilderness 343
Elihu Root Experiments in Government and the Essentials of the Constitution 42
S. T. (Sarah Tyson Heston) Rorer Ice Creams, Water Ices, Frozen Puddings Together with Refreshments for all Social Affairs 155
S. T. (Sarah Tyson Heston) Rorer Made-Over Dishes 75
S. T. (Sarah Tyson Heston) Rorer Many Ways for Cooking Eggs 62
David Rorie The Auld Doctor and other Poems and Songs in Scots 64
Achilles Rose Napoleon's Campaign in Russia Anno 1812 207
John Holland Rose The Development of the European Nations, 1870-1914 (5th ed.) 779
John Holland Rose The Life of Napoleon I (Complete) 1355
John Holland Rose The Life of Napoleon I (Volume 1 of 2) 596
John Holland Rose The Life of Napoleon I (Volume 2 of 2) 762
Mary Swartz Rose Everyday Foods in War Time 100
Peter Rosegger I.N.R.I. - A prisoner's Story of the Cross 318
Morris Rosenfeld Songs of Labor and Other Poems 68
Edmund G. (Edmund Gibson) Ross History of the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, by the House of Representatives, and his trial by the Senate for high crimes and misdemeanors in office, 1868 334
D.D. Rev. Fred. A. Ross Slavery Ordained of God 122
John Wilson Ross Tacitus and Bracciolini - The Annals Forged in the XVth Century 375
Martin Ross;E. Oe. Somerville All on the Irish Shore - Irish Sketches 209
Robert Ross Masques & Phases 205
Irving C. (Irving Collins) Rosse The First Landing on Wrangel Island - With Some Remarks on the Northern Inhabitants 47
Christina Georgina Rossetti Goblin Market, The Prince's Progress, and Other Poems 313
Dante Gabriel Rossetti The House of Life 60
Lucy Madox Brown Rossetti Mrs. Shelley 219
Edmond Rostand Chantecler - Play in Four Acts 310

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