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367 books found

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Author Title Pages
Sir Walter Scott Rob Roy — Volume 02 332
Rolf Boldrewood Robbery under Arms; a story of life and adventure in the bush and in the Australian goldfields 678
G. K. (Gilbert Keith) Chesterton Robert Browning 210
Edward Dowden Robert Browning 388
C. H. (Charles Harold) Herford Robert Browning 284
William Lyon Phelps Robert Browning: How to Know Him 384
William Allan Neilson Robert Burns - How To Know Him 334
Mrs. Humphry Ward Robert Elsmere 1065
Robert F. (Robert Fuller) Murray;Andrew Lang Robert F. Murray: His Poems with a Memoir 131
George MacDonald Robert Falconer 859
Sir Walter Alexander Raleigh Robert Louis Stevenson 39
Evelyn Blantyre Simpson Robert Louis Stevenson 27
Richard Le Gallienne Robert Louis Stevenson, an Elegy; and Other Poems 49
Alexander H. (Alexander Hay) Japp Robert Louis Stevenson: a record, an estimate, and a memorial 233
David J. Deane Robert Moffat - The Missionary Hero of Kuruman 139
Henry M. Robert Robert's Rules of Order - Pocket Manual of Rules of Order for Deliberative Assemblies 154
J. Walker (Joseph Walker) McSpadden Robin Hood 246
Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe 356
Mary [pseud.] Godolphin Robinson Crusoe — in Words of One Syllable 82
Jules Verne Robur the Conqueror 217
H. A. (Hiram Alfred) Cody Rod of the Lone Patrol 299
Henry Seton Merriman Roden's Corner 331
Henry James Roderick Hudson 463
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Rodney Stone 341
Ernest Thompson Seton Rolf in the Woods 399
O. Henry Rolling Stones 304
Jacob Abbott Rollo at Play - Safe Amusements 132
Marcus Porcius Cato Roman Farm Management - The Treatises of Cato and Varro 350
Titus Livius Roman History, Books I-III 338
William Dean Howells Roman Holidays, and Others 280
Hugh Macmillan Roman Mosaics - Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood 430
Charles Kingsley Roman and the Teuton 318
Layamon Roman de Brut. English;Brut 200
Rev. Alfred J. Church Roman life in the days of Cicero 167
Joseph Conrad;Ford Madox Ford Romance 567
Zona Gale Romance Island 346
John Habberton Romance of California Life 561
François Coppée Romance of Youth, a — Volume 1 52
François Coppée Romance of Youth, a — Volume 2 61
François Coppée Romance of Youth, a — Volume 3 49
François Coppée Romance of Youth, a — Volume 4 57
Francis Jammes Romance of the Rabbit 96
George Henry Borrow Romano Lavo-Lil: word book of the Romany; or, English Gypsy language 243
George Henry Borrow Romantic Ballads, Translated from the Danish; and Miscellaneous Pieces 139
Gilbert Parker Romany of the Snows, Continuation of "Pierre and His People 1
Gilbert Parker Romany of the Snows, Continuation of "Pierre and His People 1
Gilbert Parker Romany of the Snows, Continuation of "Pierre and His People 1
Gilbert Parker Romany of the Snows, Continuation of "Pierre and His People 1
Gilbert Parker Romany of the Snows, Continuation of "Pierre and His People 1
Gilbert Parker Romany of the Snows, Continuation of "Pierre and His People" 206

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