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Joy & Power by Henry Van Dyke
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1903. The one called The Battle of Life was delivered on Baccalaureate
Sunday at Princeton University, June 7. The one called The Good Old Way
was delivered on Baccalaureate Sunday at Harvard University, June 14. At
the time, I was thinking chiefly of the different qualities and needs of
the people to whom I had to speak. This will account for some things in
the form of each message. But now that they are put together I can see
that all three of them say about the same thing. They point in the same
direction, urge the same course of action, and appeal to the same
motive. It is nothing new,--the meaning of this threefold message,--but
it is the best that I have learned in life. And I believe it is
true,--so true that we need often to have it brought to remembrance.

Henry van Dyke

Avalon, July 5, 1903


i. Joy and Power

ii. The Battle of Life

iii. The Good Old Way

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