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The History of Rome, Book V - The Establishment of the Military Monarchy by Theodor Mommsen
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or even for a number of sounds in the same language at different
times. Thus, -"id:GAMMA gamma" might very well refer to a Phoenician
construct that in appearance resembles the form that eventually
stabilized as an uppercase Greek "gamma" juxtaposed to another one
of lowercase. Also, a construct such as --"id:E" indicates a symbol
that in graphic form most closely resembles an ASCII uppercase "E",
but, in fact, is actually drawn more crudely.

6) The numerous subheading references, of the form "XX. XX. Topic"
found in the appended section of endnotes are to be taken as "proximate"
rather than topical indicators. That is, the information contained
in the endnote indicates primarily the location in the main text
of the closest indexing "handle", a subheading, which may or may not
echo congruent subject matter.

The reason for this is that in the translation from an original
paged manuscript to an unpaged "cyberscroll", page numbers are lost.
In this edition subheadings are the only remaining indexing "handles"
of sub-chapter scale. Unfortunately, in some stretches of text these
subheadings may be as sparse as merely one in three pages. Therefore,
it would seem to make best sense to save the reader time and temper
by adopting a shortest path method to indicate the desired reference.

7) The attentive reader will notice occasional typographic or syntactic
anomalies and errors. In almost all cases this conscious and due to
an editorial decision for the first Gutenberg edition to transmit
transparently all but the most egregious flaws found in the source text
Scribner edition of 1903. Furthermore, a number of sentences may be
virtually unintelligible to the English reader due to the architecture
of relative clauses, prepositions, and verbs as carried over
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