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The Young Trail Hunters - Or, the Wild Riders of the Plains. The Veritable Adventures of Hal Hyde and Ned Brown, on Their Journey Across the Great Plains of the South-West by Samuel Woodworth Cozzens
page 3 of 204 (01%)
The Result.--Visitors.--Cuchillo, the Comanche Chief.--The Missourians.
--The Arapahoe Guide.--The Farewell.


The Return to Camp.--The Boys Missing.--A Search.--Treed.--The Wild
Mexican Hogs.--An Adventure.-The Combat.--The Release.--A Cry of
Distress.--An Ugly Customer--The Panther.--A Terrible Struggle.--
Victory.--Old Jerry wounded.--Camp at last.


Jerry's Story.--"Byse hain't got no Bizness on the Plains, nohow."--A
Hunting Expedition.--Antonio, the "Mustanger" of the Leona.--"Creasing" a
Wild Horse.--The Prairie-dog Town.--Wild Turkeys.--The Missing Boys.
Prisoners in the Hands of the Comanches.--The "Lingo" of the Plains.--The
Ransom and Rescue.--Dog Meat.


Comanches in the Distance.--Attacked.--The Fight.--The Arapahoe Scout to
the Rescue.--Wounded.--Comanche Signals.--More Trouble.--The Ambuscade.--
A Night Attack.--A Mule killed.--Ned's first Indian.--"A'stonishin'
Boy."--Old Jerry's Pride.--Once more on the Road.


The Track in the Sand.--What made it.--A Lesson on Trailing.--What
constitutes a good Woodsman.--A Discovery.--Indians.--A Female Captive
To the Rescue.--Our Ride.--A Run for Life.--The Fight.--Death.--More
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