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At Sunwich Port, Part 5. - Contents: Chapters 21-25 by W. W. Jacobs
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The captain received the new arrival with marked cordiality, and giving
him a chair near his own observed with some interest the curt greeting of
the young men. The doctor's manner indicated polite surprise at seeing
the other there, then he turned to the captain and began to talk to him.

For some time they chatted without interruption, and the captain's
replies, when Hardy at last made an attempt to make the conversation
general, enabled the doctor to see, without much difficulty, that the
latter was an unwelcome guest. Charmed with the discovery he followed
his host's lead, and, with a languid air, replied to his rival in
monosyllables. The captain watched with quiet satisfaction, and at each
rebuff his opinion of Murchison improved. It was gratifying to find that
the interloper had met his match.

Hardy sat patient. "I am glad to have met you to-night," he said, after
a long pause, during which the other two were discussing a former
surgical experience of the captain's on one of his crew.

"Yes?" said Murchison.

"You are just the man I wanted to see."

"Yes?" said the doctor, again.

"Yes," said the other, nodding. "I've been very busy of late owing to my
partner's illness, and you are attending several people I want to hear

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