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The Description of Wales by Giraldus Cambrensis
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histories of the destruction of Troy, Thebes, or Athens, or to the
conquest of the shores of Latium? Besides, to do what has been
already done, is, in fact, to be doing nothing; I have, therefore,
thought it more eligible to apply my industry to the arrangement of
the history of my native country, hitherto almost wholly overlooked
by strangers; but interesting to my relations and countrymen; and
from these small beginnings to aspire by degrees to works of a
nobler cast. From these inconsiderable attempts, some idea may be
formed with what success, should Fortune afford an opportunity, I
am likely to treat matters of greater importance. For although
some things should be made our principal objects, whilst others
ought not to be wholly neglected, I may surely be allowed to
exercise the powers of my youth, as yet untaught and unexperienced,
in pursuits of this latter nature, lest by habit I should feel a
pleasure in indolence and in sloth, the parent of vice.

I have therefore employed these studies as a kind of introduction
to the glorious treasures of that most excellent of the sciences,
which alone deserves the name of science; which alone can render us
wise to rule and to instruct mankind; which alone the other
sciences follow, as attendants do their queen. Laying therefore in
my youth the foundations of so noble a structure, it is my
intention, if God will assist me and prolong my life, to reserve my
maturer years for composing a treatise upon so perfect, so sacred a
subject: for according to the poet,

"Ardua quippe fides robustos exigit annos;"
"The important concerns of faith require a mind in its full
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