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Light of the Western Stars by Zane Grey
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XXII. The Secret Told
XXIII.The Light of Western Stars
XXIV. The Ride
XXV. At the End of the Road

The Light of Western Stars

I A Gentleman of the Range

When Madeline Hammond stepped from the train at El Cajon, New
Mexico, it was nearly midnight, and her first impression was of a
huge dark space of cool, windy emptiness, strange and silent,
stretching away under great blinking white stars.

"Miss, there's no one to meet you," said the conductor, rather

"I wired my brother," she replied. "The train being so late--
perhaps he grew tired of waiting. He will be here presently.
But, if he should not come--surely I can find a hotel?"

"There's lodgings to be had. Get the station agent to show you.
If you'll excuse me--this is no place for a lady like you to be
alone at night. It's a rough little town--mostly Mexicans,
miners, cowboys. And they carouse a lot. Besides, the revolution
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