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Four Weeks in the Trenches - The War Story of a Violinist by Fritz Kreisler
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of warfare, this story would prove an important contribution to the
contemporary history of the war.

After much persuasion, Mr. Kreisler reluctantly acceded to the
suggestion that he write out his personal memories of the war for
publication. He has completed his narrative in the midst of grave
difficulties, writing it piecemeal in hotels and railway trains in the
course of a concert tour through the country. It is offered by the
publishers to the public with confidence that it will be found one of
the most absorbing and informing narratives of the war that has yet

F. G.

Four Weeks In The Trenches


In trying to recall my impressions during my short war duty as an
officer in the Austrian Army, I find that my recollections of this period
are very uneven and confused. Some of the experiences stand out
with absolute clearness; others, however, are blurred. Two or three
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