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Rough and Tumble Engineering by James H. Maggard
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By James H. Maggard


In placing this book before the public the author wishes it understood
that it is not his intention to produce a scientific work on
engineering. Such a book would be valuable only to engineers of large
stationary engines. In a nice engine room nice theories and scientific
calculations are practical. This book is intended for engineers of farm
and traction engines, "rough and tumble engineers," who have everything
in their favor today, and tomorrow are in mud holes, who with the same
engine do eight horse work one day and sixteen horse work the next day.
Reader, the author has had all these experiences and you will have them,
but don't get discouraged. You can get through them to your entire

Don't conclude that all you are to do is to read this book. It will not
make an engineer of you. But read it carefully, use good judgment and
common sense, do as it tells you, and my word for it, in one month, you,
for all practical purposes, will be a better engineer than four-fifths
of the so-called engineers today, who think what they don't know would
not make much of a book. Don't deceive yourself with the idea that what
you get out of this will be merely "book learning." What is said in this
will be plain, unvarnished, practical facts. It is not the author's
intention to use any scientific terms, but plain, everyday field terms.
There will be a number of things you will not find in this book, but
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