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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 10, No. 274, September 22, 1827 by Various
page 3 of 52 (05%)
but substantial authorities have been quoted to perfect this praiseworthy
attempt of the architect. That part of the church which has been added at a
later date than the circular part, and for the convenience of divine
worship, is lighted by the beautiful proportioned triple lancet-shaped
windows, so justly admired. A writer in the _Gentleman's Magazine_ for May,
1827, after making some judicious remarks, seems to think the crosses on
the ends of the building, "as not in character with the building." Now as
to architectural propriety in the decorations of a Christian church, no
ornament could be better devised; and if we proceed to the antiquity of
such ornament, I would observe, that the adoption would be equally correct,
that being the insignia of the banner under which the Knights' Templars
originally fought.


* * * * *


(_For the Mirror_.)

"'Tis a common tale,
An ordinary sorrow of man's life;
A tale of silent sufferings, hardly clothed
In bodily form."


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