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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 13, No. 376, June 20, 1829 by Various
page 2 of 52 (03%)
long bill from the jolly yeoman at the door, to see the living wonders of
the upper story, and be treated with a pocket knife or whistle-whip from
the counters of the lower apartments, have probably at one period or other
been grand treats. Yes, gentle reader, and two doors east of this world of
wonders appeared the early numbers of the present Miscellany.

Among the improvement projects, we hear that a building for the meetings
of public societies is to occupy the above site.

* * * * *


(_To the Editor of the Mirror_.)

_June_ 10, 1829.

Sir,--With your permission, I will attempt to describe the magnificent
scene I witnessed on my ascent with Mr. G. Green, in his balloon, on
Wednesday, June 10th, 1829; but I really want the power of language to
depict its grandeur; for no poetic taste, or pencil of man, can unfold
the splendid scene we enjoyed while traversing the ethereal regions.

Having implicit confidence in the skill of Mr. Green I ascended with him
from the Jamaica, Tea-gardens, Rotherhithe, amidst the acclamations of the
multitude, whose forms and voices soon passed away; the busy hum of men
(with us) ceased in a few seconds, and a solemn stillness reigned over the
metropolis. The serenity of the evening threw a degree of solemnity over
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