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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 13, No. 354, January 31, 1829 by Various
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When the spectator's surprise and admiration at the vastness of the
building have somewhat subsided, his attention will be drawn to the fine
and harmonious proportions of the portico, considered by architects as
one of the best specimens of Graeco-Doric in the metropolis. This portion
of the building is copied from the portico of the Pantheon at Rome,
"which, in the harmony of its proportions, and the exquisite beauty of its
columns, surpasses every temple on the earth." Altogether, the grandeur
and effect of this vast structure should be seen to be duly appreciated.

The adjoining lodges are in exceedingly good taste; and the plantations
laid out by Mr. Hornor, are equally pleasing, whilst their verdure
relieves the massiveness of the building; and in the engraving, the
artist has caught a glimpse of the lattice-work which encloses the
gardens and conservatories attached to the splendid suite of rooms. The
front is enclosed by handsome iron rails, tastefully painted in imitation
of bronze. We ought also to mention, that the means by which the portico
is made to resemble immense blocks of stone, is peculiarly successful.

The architect of this extraordinary building is Mr. Decimus Burton, aided
by his ingenious employer, Mr. Hornor, of whose taste and talents we have
already spoken in terms of high commendation. Its original name, or, we
should say, its popular name, was the _Coliseum_, evidently a misnomer,
from its distant resemblance to that gigantic work of antiquity. The
present and more appropriate name is the COLOSSEUM, in allusion to its
colossal dimensions; for it would not show much discernment to erect a
building like the Pantheon, and call it the Coliseum. The term _Diorama_
has, likewise, been strangely corrupted since its successful adoption in
the Regent's Park--it being now almost indefinitely applied to any number
or description of paintings.
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