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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 12, No. 343, November 29, 1828 by Various
page 3 of 56 (05%)


(_For the Mirror_.)

Plus ne suis ce que j'ay esté
Et ne le scaurois jamais estre,
Mon beau printemps et mon esté
Ont fait le saut par la fenestre.
Amour! tu as esté mon maistre
Je t'ai servi sur tous les Dieux,
O si je pouvois deux fois naistre,
Comment je te se virois mieux!


I am no more, what I have been
And ne'er again shall be so.
My summer bright, my spring time green,
Have flown out of the window.
Oh love, my master thou hast been,
I, first of gods, instal thee,
Oh! could I e'en be born again,
Thou doubly would'st enthral me.


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