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The Red Rover by James Fenimore Cooper
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more to your kind feelings than to any merit in the execution. Such as it
may be, however, the book is offered as another tribute to the constant
esteem and friendship of

The Author.

The Red Rover.

Chapter I.

Par. "Mars dote on you for his novices."

_All's Well that ends Well._

No one, who is familiar with the bustle and activity of an American
commercial town, would recognize, in the repose which now reigns in the
ancient mart of Rhode Island, a place that, in its day, has been ranked
amongst the most important ports along the whole line of our extended
coast. It would seem, at the first glance, that nature had expressly
fashioned the spot to anticipate the wants and to realize the wishes of
the mariner. Enjoying the four great requisites of a safe and commodious
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