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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, December 12, 1917 by Various
page 2 of 54 (03%)
the North. Several employees have threatened to "Down Beer."


Confirmation is still awaited of the rumour that several food ships
have recently torpedoed themselves rather than fall into the hands of
the profiteers.


The statement that Viscount NORTHCLIFFE has refused the post of
Minister of Health is without foundation. It is no secret, however,
that he would decline the position even if he should offer it to


Double-headed matches are impracticable, according to the Tobacco and
Matches Control Board. The sorts with detachable heads, however, will
continue to be manufactured.


A Norfolk fisherman with twenty-six children has been fined five
shillings for neglecting seven of them. His offence is thought to have
been due to oversight.


According to the Lord Mayor of DUBLIN there is plenty of food in
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