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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, June 11, 1919 by Various
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The heat was so oppressive in London the other day that a taxi-driver at
Euston Station was seen to go up to a pedestrian and ask him if he could
do with a ride. He was eventually pinned down by some colleagues and
handed over to the care of his relatives.


"I do not care a straw about Turkey," writes Mr. LOVAT Fraser in _The
Daily Mail_. It is this dare-devil spirit which has made us the nation
we are.


Superstition in regard to marriage is dying out, says a West End
registrar. Nevertheless the superstition that a man who gets married
between January 1st and December 31st is asking for trouble is still
widely held.


Mr. VAN INGEN, a New York business man, has just started to cross the
Atlantic for the one hundred and sixtieth time. It is not known whether
the major ambition of his life is to leave New York or go back and have
a last look at it.


"There is no likelihood," says the FOOD-CONTROLLER, "of cheese running
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