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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 13, No. 367, April 25, 1829 by Various
page 2 of 50 (04%)
Sussex Place with its adjacent scenery and accessories. The gardens to this
terrace are tastefully disposed, and the situation commands some of the
most fascinating prospects of the Park. Before the facade the lake spreads
its silvery sheet, and reflects the oriental cupolas with charming effect;
and the varied plantations of the Park, especially on the opposite margin
of the lake, group with peculiar felicity, and render Sussex Place one of
the most delightful sites in this paradisaical region.

* * * * *


_(To the Editor of the Mirror.)_

The original deed, of which the subjoined is a translation, was found among
some old records in Birmingham Tower, Castle of Dublin, when that building
was taken down in the year 1772. It is in Irish, neatly written on a long
scroll of parchment; forty-two seals are attached to the side, but the only
signature is that of the chief at bottom. This document, among other
curious matter, furnishes us with a proof, that the chiefs of clans were
_elective_, contrary to the opinions of modern authors, and more especially
of our modern historical novelists; which latter speak of them as
_hereditary feudal lords_, and even talk of their estates descending to
their daughters; although under the system of clanship, females could not
inherit, and no man could have more than a life interest in his estate.
Here we have an instance of a chief divesting himself of the dignity of
office, and joining in the transfer of it to another, when such transfer
was considered likely to further the interests of the clan. It is also
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