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What's the Matter with Ireland? by Ruth Russell
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January 29, 1920.

_Miss Ruth' Russell,
Chicago, Illinois_.

Dear Miss Russell:

I have read the advance copy of your book, "What's the Matter with
Ireland?", with much interest.

I congratulate you on the rapidity with which you succeeded in
understanding Irish conditions and grasped the Irish viewpoint.

I hope your book will be widely read. Your first chapter will be
instructive to those who have been deceived by the recent cry of Irish
prosperity. Cries of this sort are echoed without thought as to their
truth, and gain credence as they pass from mouth to mouth. I hope we
shall have many more impartial investigators, such as you, who will
take the trouble to see things for themselves first hand, and who will
not be imposed upon by half-truths.

Having visited Ireland, I feel you cannot doubt that the poet was

"There never was a nation yet
Could rule another well."

I imagine, too, that having seen the character of British rule there,
you must realize better than before what it was your American patriots
of '76 hastened to rid themselves of. In a country with such natural
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