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Our Little Korean Cousin by Henry Lee Mitchell Pike
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Our Little Korean Cousin


H. Lee M. Pike

_Illustrated by_

L.J. Bridgman


Until very recently little has been known of the strange land in which
the subject of this tale lives. Recent events have done much to
introduce Korea and its people to the world at large. For this reason
the story of Yung Pak's youthful days may be the more interesting to his
Western cousins.

These are stirring times in Korea, and it may safely be prophesied that
the little Koreans of the present day will occupy a larger place in the
world's history than have their fathers and grandfathers. Their bright
eyes are now turned toward the light, and, under the uplifting
influences of education and civilization, the old superstitions and
antique customs are bound to give way.

Some famous Americans and Englishmen have had no small part in letting
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