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A Tiger's Skin - The Lady of the Barge and Others, Part 8. by W. W. Jacobs
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Fourth,' and a very good likeness, too."

The painter laughed and took another look at the old sign; then, with the
nervousness of the true artist, he took a look at his own. One or two

He flung his legs over the bench and took up his brushes. In ten minutes
the most fervent loyalist would have looked in vain for any resemblance,
and with a sigh at the pitfalls which beset the artist he returned to his
interrupted meal and hailed the house for more beer.

"There's nobody could mistake your sign for anything but a cauliflower,"
said the old man; "it looks good enough to eat."

The painter smiled and pushed his mug across the table. He was a tender-
hearted man, and once--when painting the sign of the "Sir Wilfrid
Lawson"--knew himself what it was to lack beer. He began to discourse on
art, and spoke somewhat disparagingly of the cauliflower as a subject.
With a shake of his head he spoke of the possibilities of a spotted cow
or a blue lion.

"Talking of lions," said the ancient, musingly, "I s'pose as you never
'eard tell of the Claybury tiger? It was afore your time in these parts,
I expect."

The painter admitted his ignorance, and, finding that the allusion had no
reference to an inn, pulled out his pipe and prepared to listen.

"It's a while ago now," said the old man, slowly, "and the circus the
tiger belonged to was going through Claybury to get to Wickham, when,
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