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The Third String - Odd Craft, Part 12. by W. W. Jacobs
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the on'y thing that cheered 'im up during the fourteen years he was cast
away on a deserted island. He was picked up at last and taken 'ome, and
there she was still single and waiting for 'im; and arter spending
fourteen years on a deserted island he got another ten in quod for
shooting 'er because she 'ad altered so much in 'er looks.

Then there was Ginger Dick, a red-'aired man I've spoken about before.
He went and fell in love one time when he was lodging in Wapping 'ere
with old Sam Small and Peter Russet, and a nice mess 'e made of it.

They was just back from a v'y'ge, and they 'adn't been ashore a week
afore both of 'em noticed a change for the worse in Ginger. He turned
quiet and peaceful and lost 'is taste for beer. He used to play with 'is
food instead of eating it, and in place of going out of an evening with
Sam and Peter took to going off by 'imself.

"It's love," ses Peter Russet, shaking his 'ead, "and he'll be worse
afore he's better."

"Who's the gal?" ses old Sam.

Peter didn't know, but when they came 'ome that night 'e asked. Ginger,
who was sitting up in bed with a far-off look in 'is eyes, cuddling 'is
knees, went on staring but didn't answer.

"Who is it making a fool of you this time, Ginger?" ses old Sam.

"You mind your bisness and I'll mind mine," ses Ginger, suddenly waking
up and looking very fierce.

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