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Rada - A Drama of War in One Act by Alfred Noyes
page 3 of 25 (12%)
Look here, my girl, where's the use of snivelling? You ought to think
yourself damned lucky to be alive.

O my God! My God!

This is war, this is! And you can't expect war to be all cakes and cream.

[_They laugh and drink_.]

You ought to think yourself damned lucky to be alive, and have two men
quartered on you instead of one. If your husband and the rest of the
villagers hadn't made such a disturbance, _they_ might have been alive,

Exactly! Exactly! I used to be a schoolmaster, you know, in the old days;
and, if you knew what I know, you'd understand, my dear, it's entirely a
question of the survival of the fittest! The survival of the fittest!
That's what it is.

Wouldn't they have done the same to us, if they'd had the chance? We've
got women and children at home snivelling and saying, "O my God, O my
God," just like you. Don't you trouble about God. What can _He_ do when
both sides go down on their marrow-bones? He can't make both sides win,
can He?
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