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Select Poems of Sidney Lanier by Sidney Lanier
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Select Poems of Sidney Lanier
[Sidney Lanier: American (Georgia) Poet, Musician, etc.; 1842-1881.]
Edited by Morgan Callaway [American (Southern U.S.) Scholar; 1862-1936.]

[Note on text: Italicized words are capitalised.
Lines longer than 78 characters are broken and the continuation
is indented two spaces. Some obvious errors may have been corrected.
The "Notes" section has been abolished, and the notes themselves
appear with the poems, instead of in a separate section.]

Select Poems of Sidney Lanier

Edited With an Introduction, Notes, and Bibliography
By Morgan Callaway, Jr., Ph.D.
Associate Professor of English Philology in the University of Texas,
Formerly Fellow of the Johns Hopkins University;
Author of "The Absolute Participle in Anglo-Saxon"

[Amended to include "The Marshes of Glynn"]

To My Father
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