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The United States in the Light of Prophecy by Uriah Smith
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prophetic pencil. The events to transpire, and the agents therein
concerned, are brought out in a vivid and startling light.

The question naturally arises, what part the United States has to act in
these scenes; for it must seem reasonable and probable that a nation
which has arisen so suddenly as ours, made such unparalleled progress,
and attained to such a pinnacle of greatness and power, must be a
subject of divine prophecy, or at least of divine providence.

To this question the following pages undertake to give a brief but
scriptural, and so a reasonable and conclusive answer; and to such only
as do not believe that God ever foretells the history of nations, or
that his providence ever works in their development and decline, can
the subject fail to be one of interest.

That this little treatise is exhaustive of the subject is not claimed;
but some facts are presented which are thought to be worthy of serious
consideration, and enough evidence, we trust, produced in favor of the
position taken to show the reader that the subject is not one of mere
theory, but of the highest practical importance; and so enough to
stimulate thought and lead to further inquiry.

If the position here taken be correct, this subject is to be one of
continually-increasing interest, and information respecting it is
necessary to an understanding of our duties and responsibilities in the
solemn and important times that are upon us. It is in this light that we
especially commend it to the serious consideration of the reader.


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