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The Auchensaugh Renovation of the National Covenant and - Solemn League and Covenant - With the Acknowledgment of Sins and Engagement to Duties, as They - Were Renewed at Auchensaugh, Near Douglas, July 24, 1712. (Compared - With the Editions of Paisley, by The Reformed Presbytery
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with all convenient speed."

This Presbytery, after forty years' experience, during which
opportunities have been afforded for examining the opinions and
practices of all parties, professing any regard for the Covenanted
Reformation, is still deeply impressed with the conviction that the
transaction at Auchensaugh 1712, is the only faithful renovation of our
Covenants, National and Solemn League. The fidelity of our fathers in
that hazardous and heroic transaction, it is believed, has ever since
been the _occasion_ (not the _cause_) of all opponents manifesting their
hostility to the whole covenanted cause, by first assaults upon that
detested Bond. And that this is the real state of the case we proceed to
prove by the following historical facts. _First._--In connection with
remodeling the Testimony; or rather by supplanting it in 1806, the Terms
of Communion, without submitting an overture, were also changed to
harmonize with _Reformation Principles Exhibited_, by excluding the
Auchensaugh Renovation from the fourth Term, where it had stood for
nearly a century. The same party have for years excluded from their
abstract of Terms the _Covenants themselves_. _Second._--In Scotland
this faithful document was expunged in 1822, obviously to prepare the
way for the adoption of a _"New Testimony"(!)_, which appeared 1837-9.
The majority of the actors in that work who survive, are now in the Free
Church! _Third._--At the time when defection was progressing in the R.P.
Synod of Scotland, the sister Synod of Ireland strenuously resisted an
attempt to remove the foresaid Bond from its place in the Terms. The
Rev. Messrs. Dick, Smith and Houston in 1837, were faithful and
successful for the time in resisting that attempt. Mr. Houston "_would
ever resist any alteration_ in respect of the Auchensaugh Bond,
regarding the objection laid against it as in reality aimed at the
Covenants themselves." Yet as a sequel to their Renovation of the
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