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A Voyage Round the World, Volume I - Including Travels in Africa, Asia, Australasia, America, etc., etc., from 1827 to 1832 by James Holman
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It is necessary to observe that this Work is designed to extend to 4
vols., to be published in regular succession; each Volume to embrace a
distinct portion of the whole, and to be complete in itself. The entire
publication will form a consecutive series of the Author's Voyages and
Travels Round the World.

The present Volume contains:--Madeira--Teneriffe--St. Jago--Sierra
Leone--Cape Coast--Accra--Fernando Po--Bonny, Calabar, and other Rivers
in the Bight of Biafra--Prince's Island--Ascension--Rio Janeiro--and
Journey to the Gold Mines.

[Note: The beginning of this dedication was missing from the text.]

...that your Majesty may long be spared to a nation that is so sensible
of the influence of your Majesty's exalted character.

With the most profound feelings of gratitude and devotion,

I have the honor to subscribe myself,

Your Majesty's Most faithful Servant,


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