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Traditions of the Tinguian: a Study in Philippine Folk-Lore by Fay-Cooper Cole
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The following myths were collected by the writer in 1907-8 during a
stay of sixteen months with the Tinguian, a pagan tribe of northwestern
Luzon in the Philippines. The material, for the most part gathered
in texts, was partially translated in the Islands, while the balance
was worked over during a brief visit to America in 1909. In this task
I was assisted by Dumagat, a full blood Tinguian, who accompanied me.

While not, in all cases, giving a literal rendering, I have endeavored
to follow closely the language of the story-tellers rather than to
offer a polished translation. In some cases, where it was impossible
to record the tales when heard, only the substance was noted, a fact
which will account for the meagerness of detail evident in a few of
the stories.

The Tinguian tribe numbers about twenty thousand individuals,
most of whom are found in the sub-province of Abra, and in the
mountains of Ilocos Sur and Norte. Their material culture, beliefs,
and ceremonials are quite uniform and exceedingly complex. It is my
intention to publish a study of this people in the near future, but
realizing that it will be quite impossible for readers unacquainted
with Tinguian life to understand many references in the tales, I
have added such foot notes as will enable them to grasp the meaning
of certain obscure passages.

In the introduction, an attempt has been made to bring together the
culture of the people as it appears in the myths, and to contrast it
with present day conditions and beliefs. In this way we may hope to
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