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The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction - Volume 19, No. 542, April 14, 1832 by Various
page 4 of 48 (08%)
of the water, at the bottom of the well, is 52 deg. of Fahrenheit; its
specific gravity 1011; and, by an analysis of its composition by those
distinguished scientific chemists, Messrs. Faraday and Hume, the following
are the solid contents of a quart of the water:--

Sulphate of magnesia ............ 123
Sulphate of soda and magnesia .... 32
Muriate of soda .................. 19
Muriate of magnesia .............. 18-1/2
Carbonate of lime ................ 15
Carbonate of soda ................. 3
Grains 210-1/2

Sulphate of magnesia ............. 22
Sulphate of soda ................. 30
Muriate of soda ..................100
Sulphate of lime .................. 9
Grains 161

"As a mean of comparison, the saline contents of a quart of the Cheltenham
pure saline, as analyzed by Mr. Brande, the predecessor of Mr. Faraday in
the professorship at the Royal Institution, is placed opposite to the
Beulah Spring, to enable the reader to judge how much superior, as an
aperient water, the latter is to that of Cheltenham. And, first, it may be
observed, that the gross amount of the several salts, in the same quantity
of the waters, is much greater in the Beulah than in the Cheltenham spring,
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