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The Boy Allies in Great Peril by Clair W. (Clair Wallace) Hayes
page 3 of 255 (01%)
Italians--men and women from all walks of life--seemed to have gone
suddenly mad. A deafening roar filled the air. Caps and hats, canes, and
other articles ascended and descended in a dense cloud.

"Can you doubt, after that, that Italy is for war?" asked Hal, when at
last he could make himself heard.

"I guess not," replied Chester grimly. "But why should the crowd have
gathered in front of the palace rather than before the Chamber of

"You forget that the premier is closeted with the king," returned Hal.
"In all probability, the first word of a definite step will emanate from
the palace, though unofficially, of course."

"I see," said Chester. "Well--look there, Hal!"

"What's the matter?" demanded the latter, eying his companion in
some surprise.

Chester seized his friend's arm with one hand and with the other pointed
directly ahead. Hal gazed in the direction indicated. He saw at once what
had caused Chester's sudden exclamation.

Not five yards away, right in the center of the dense crowd, but still in
view of the two boys, stood an Italian army officer in full uniform. He
was gazing straight ahead toward the palace steps, paying no heed to
those who pushed and jostled him. He stood erect, with arms folded upon
his breast.

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