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John Smith, U.S.A. by Eugene Field
page 3 of 108 (02%)
this unique collection of his choicest wit and humor.


Chicago, January, 1905.


John Smith
The Fisherman's Feast
To John J. Knickerbocker, Jr.
The Bottle and the Bird
The Man Who Worked with Dana on the "Sun"
A Democratic Hymn
The Blue and the Gray
It is the Printer's Fault
Summer Heat
Plaint of the Missouri 'Coon in the Berlin Zoological Gardens
The Bibliomaniac's Bride
Ezra J. M'Manus to a Soubrette
The Monstrous Pleasant Ballad of the Taylor Pup
Long Meter
To DeWitt Miller
Francois Villon
Lydia Dick
The Tin Bank
In New Orleans
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