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The Young Captives: A Story of Judah and Babylon by Erasmus W. Jones
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A Story of Judah and Babylon


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This volume is the fruit of my leisure hours; and those hours in the life
of a pastor are not very abundant. That the story has suffered from this,
I do not believe. Whatever its defects may be, they are not owing to "the
pressure of other duties." So, dear reader, if this little work proves a
failure, let not that deep calamity be attributed to any lack but the
lack of ability in the author.

The semi-fictitious style of the writing, while displeasing to some, will
be well-pleasing to others. "What I have written I have written;" perhaps
in a way peculiar to myself. I know of some who could write charming
books on this subject in a very different and perhaps a far superior
style; but these I dare not try to imitate. I must write in my own way.
It may be inferior to the way of others; but then it is much better to
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