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The Young Captives: A Story of Judah and Babylon by Erasmus W. Jones
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A CLASH of swords and the cries of excited men resounded through the
streets of the city. Two guardsmen were endeavoring to disarm and arrest
a number of boisterous youths. The latter, evidently young men of good
social position, had been singing bacchanalian songs and otherwise
conducting themselves in a manner contrary to the spirit of orderliness
which King Josiah was striving to establish in Jerusalem. The youths were
intoxicated, and, when the two officers sought to restrain them, they
drew swords and made a reckless attack on the guardians of the peace.

Although the latter were outnumbered, they were courageous and skillful
men, and soon had three of the party disarmed, accomplishing this without
bloodshed. The fourth and last of the marauders, a handsome and stalwart
young man apparently about twenty-one years of age, although at first
desirous of keeping out of the mêlée, sprang to the aid of his
companions. He cleverly tripped one of the watchmen and grappled with the
other in such a way that the officer could not use his sword arm. This
fierce onslaught gave the other members of the party new courage, and
they joined in the battle again. The conflict might then have been
settled in favor of the lawless party but for an unexpected circumstance.
As one of the guardsmen gave a signal calling for reinforcements, the
second made a desperate attempt to throw his young antagonist to the
ground, and, as they struggled, his face came in proximity to that of the
offending youth. He uttered an exclamation of surprise.

"Ezrom! Ezrom!" cried he; "don't add crime to your other follies! Do you
realize what you are doing? See how you are about to bring disgrace upon
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