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Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters
page 2 of 170 (01%)
Burleson, John Horace
Butler, Roy

Cabanis, Flossie
Calhoun, Granville
Calhoun, Henry C.
Campbell, Calvin
Carman, Eugene
Cheney, Columbus
Childers, Elizabeth
Church, John M.
Churchill, Alfonso
Circuit Judge, The
Clapp, Homer
Clark, Nellie
Clute, Aner
Compton, Seth Conant, Edith
Culbertson, E. C.

Davidson, Robert
Dement, Silas
Dixon, Joseph
Drummer, Frank
Drummer, Hare
Dunlap, Enoch
Dye, Shack

Ehrenhardt, Imanuel

Fallas, State's Attorney
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