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Uncle Sam's Boys with Pershing's Troops - Dick Prescott at Grips with the Boche by H. Irving (Harrie Irving) Hancock
page 2 of 227 (00%)
XVIII. A Lot More of the Real Thing
XIX. A "Guest" in Prison Camp
XX. On a German Prisoner Train
XXI. Seeking Death More Than Escape
XXII. Can It Be the Old Chum?
XXIII. The Dash to Get Back to Pershing
XXIV. Conclusion



His jaw set firmly, his keen, fiery eyes roving over the group
before him, the gray-haired colonel of infantry closed his remarks
with these words:

"Gentlemen, the task set for the officers of the United States
Army is to produce, with the least possible delay, the finest
fighting army in the world. Our own personal task is to make
this, the Ninety-ninth, the finest regiment of infantry in that

"You have heard, at some length, what is expected of you. Any
officer present, of any grade, who does not feel equal to the
requirements I have laid down will do well to seek a transfer
to some other regiment or branch of the service, or to send in
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