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The Malefactor by E. Phillips (Edward Phillips) Oppenheim
page 2 of 334 (00%)
I. "Mr. Wingrave, From America"
II. The Shadow of a Fear
III. Juliet Asks Questions
IV. Lady Ruth's Last Card
V. Guardian and Ward
VI. Ghosts of Dead Things.
VII. Spreading the Net
VIII. In the Toils
IX. The Indiscretion of the Marchioness
X. "I am Misanthropos, and Hate Mankind"
XI. Juliet Gains Experience
XII. Nemesis at Work
XIII. Richardson Tries Again
XIV. "It Was an Accident"
XV. Aynesworth Plans a Love Story
XVI. A Deed of Gift
XVII. For Pity's Sake
XVIII. A Dream of Paradise
XIX. The Awakening
XX. Revenge is--Bitter
XXI. The Way of Peace
XXII. "Love Shall Make all Things New"

Book I


Tall and burly, with features and skin hardened by exposure to the sun
and winds of many climates, he looked like a man ready to face all
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