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A Voyage to Arcturus by David Lindsay
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Chapter 1


On a march evening, at eight o'clock, Backhouse, the medium--a
fast-rising star in the psychic world--was ushered into the study at
Prolands, the Hampstead residence of Montague Faull. The room was
illuminated only by the light of a blazing fire. The host, eying him
with indolent curiosity, got up, and the usual conventional greetings
were exchanged. Having indicated an easy chair before the fire to
his guest, the South American merchant sank back again into his own.
The electric light was switched on. Faull's prominent, clear-cut
features, metallic-looking skin, and general air of bored
impassiveness, did not seem greatly to impress the medium, who was
accustomed to regard men from a special angle. Backhouse, on the
contrary, was a novelty to the merchant. As he tranquilly studied
him through half closed lids and the smoke of a cigar, he wondered
how this little, thickset person with the pointed beard contrived to
remain so fresh and sane in appearance, in view of the morbid nature
of his occupation.

"Do you smoke?" drawled Faull, by way of starting the Conversation.
"No? Then will you take a drink?"

"Not at present, I thank you."

A pause.

"Everything is satisfactory? The materialisation will take place?"
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