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A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels — Volume 08 by Robert Kerr
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§ 3. Letter of William Adams to his Wife.

SECT. XI. Voyage of Sir Edward Michelburne to India, in 1604.

CHAP. X. Early Voyages of the English to India, after the Establishment,
of the East India Company.


SECT. I. First Voyage of the English East India Company, in 1601, under
the Command of Captain James Lancaster.


§ 1. Preparation for the Voyage, and its Incidents till the Departure of
the Fleet from Saldanha Bay.

§ 2. Continuation of the Voyage, to the Nicobar and Sombrero Islands.

§ 3. Their Reception and Trade at Acheen.

§ 4. Portuguese Wiles discovered, and a Prize taken near Malacca.

§ 5. Presents to and from the King of Acheen, and his Letters to Queen
Elizabeth. Their Departure to Priaman and Bantam, and Settlement of
Trade at these Places.

§ 6. Departure for England, and Occurrences in the Voyage.

SECT. II. Account of Java, and of the first Factory of the English at
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