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The Daughter of the Commandant by Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin
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Empire, where he filled sundry administrative posts. The Tzar Nicholai,
on his accession in 1825, recalled him to Petersburg and made him
Historiographer. The works of the poet were much admired in society, but
he was not happy in his domestic life. His outspoken language made him
many enemies, and disgraceful reports were purposely spread abroad
concerning him, which resulted in a duel in which he was mortally
wounded by his brother-in-law, George Danthès. His death was mourned
publicly by all Russia.


April, 1891.



I. Sergeant of the Guards
II. The Guide
III. The Little Fort
IV. The Duel
V. Love
VI. Pugatchéf
VII. The Assault
VIII. The Unexpected Visit
IX. The Parting
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