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In Bohemia with Du Maurier - The First Of A Series Of Reminiscences by Felix Moscheles
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well-earned rest was not to be enjoyed on earth.

Now that all is changed, the joyous note of these pages jars upon me.
How differently would I attune the story of our student days, were I
to write it to-day in loving memory of my friend!

But as it stands, so it must go forth. The book, cordially endorsed
by him, is printed and all but issued; he would not let me recall
it, I know. He himself, in his kindly, simple way, had enjoyed my
resuscitation of our early recollections, and had here and there lent
a helpful hand even to the correcting of the proofs.

To write of him and of his qualities of heart and mind as I would
now venture to record them, I must wait till the heavier clouds have
cleared away and left the picture, I would draw once more to stand out
brightly in the background of Time.


October, 1896.

* * * * *


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