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Off on a Comet! a Journey through Planetary Space by Jules Verne
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of the size and solidity and weight which Verne confers
upon his monster so as to give his travelers a home--
in that case the collision would be unspeakably disastrous--
especially to the unlucky individuals who occupied the exact
point of contact.

But once granted the initial and the closing extravagance,
the departure and return of his characters, the alpha and omega
of his tale, how closely the author clings to facts between!
How closely he follows, and imparts to his readers, the scientific
probabilities of the universe beyond our earth, the actual knowledge
so hard won by our astronomers! Other authors who, since Verne,
have told of trips through the planetary and stellar universe
have given free rein to fancy, to dreams of what might be found.
Verne has endeavored to impart only what is known to exist.

In the same year with "Off on a Comet," 1877, was published also the tale
variously named and translated as "The Black Indies," "The Underground City,"
and "The Child of the Cavern." This story, like "Round the World in
Eighty Days" was first issued in "feuilleton" by the noted Paris newspaper
"Le Temps." Its success did not equal that of its predecessor in this style.
Some critics indeed have pointed to this work as marking the beginning
of a decline in the author's power of awaking interest. Many of his
best works were, however, still to follow. And, as regards imagination
and the elements of mystery and awe, surely in the "Underground City"
with its cavern world, its secret, undiscoverable, unrelenting foe,
the "Harfang," bird of evil omen, and the "fire maidens" of the ruined castle,
surely with all these "imagination" is anything but lacking.

From the realistic side, the work is painstaking and exact as all
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