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Tractus de Hermaphrodites - Or, A Treatise of Hermaphrodites by Giles Jacob
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_Prefaces now a Days are rather Apologies for the Works to which they
are prefix'd, than written for Instruction; and generally a ludicrous
Scene is expected, if the Performance be of an airy Nature; or, if not,
at least an introductory Specimen of what the Reader may hope for in the
Body of the Work_.

_I shall make no Apology for my Subject, notwithstanding an impudent
Libeller has endeavour'd to load Authors and Publishers of Works of
this Nature with the utmost Infamy; and herein I admire at the Front of
the Fellow, to pretend to Chastise others for Writing only, when he
practises a great deal more Iniquity than any Book extant can prompt him
to, every Day that comes over his Head_.

MY _Design in the following Sheets is meerly as an innocent
Entertainment for all curious Persons, without any Views of inciting
Masculine-Females to Amorous Tryals with their own Sex; and I am
perswaded there will not be one single_ HERMAPHRODITE _the more in the
World, on account of the publishing this_ TREATISE.

IT _may be expected by some faithless Persons, that I should produce
an_ HERMAPHRODITE _to publick View, as an incontestible Justification of
there being Humane Creatures of this kind; but as I have no Authority to
take up the Petticoats of any Female without her Consent, I hope to be
excus'd from making such demonstrable Proofs; and if I had such a Power,
the Sight might endanger the Welfare of some pregnant Female, whose
Curiosity would spur her to a particular Examination_.
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