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The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai by Anonymous
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I. The book and its writer

II. Nature and the Gods as reflected in the story
1. Polynesian origin of Hawaiian romance
2. Polynesian cosmogony
3. The demigod as hero
4. The earthly paradise; divinity in man and nature
5. The story: its mythical character
6. The story as a reflection of aristocratic social life

III. The art of composition
1. Aristocratic nature of Polynesian art
2. Nomenclature: its emotional value
3. Analogy: its pictorial quality
4. The double meaning; plays on words
5. Constructive elements of style

IV. Conclusions

Persons in the story
Action of the story
Background of the story

Text and translation

Chapter I. The birth of the Princess[A]
II. The flight to Paliuli
III. Kauakahialii meets the Princess
VI. Aiwohikupua goes to woo the Princess
V. The boxing match with Cold-nose
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