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Ted Strong's Motor Car by Edward C. Taylor
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resting after a strenuous day in the big pasture.

"I'll pet you," shouted Carl. "Der pig pelongs mit me der same as you."

"Go ahead, then," said Bud, lying down again. "But I want ter tell yer
this, and take it from me, it's ez straight ez an Injun's hair, yer kin
kill yer own part o' thet hawg if yer want ter, but if my part dies I'll
wallop yer plenty. I've spent too much time teachin' thet pig tricks ter
lose it now."

"Vich part der pig you own, anyvay?"

"Ther best part; ther head."

"Den I dake der tail. By Chiminy, I get skvare yet so soon. I cut der
tail off, und dot vill make der pig not able to valk straight ven he
can't der tail curl in der opposite direction. Den ve see how mooch der
tricks he done. Vat?"

"I'll hev ther law on yer if yer interfere with thet pig."

"What's the matter with you two fellows?" asked Ted Strong, the leader
of the broncho boys, who was writing some letters at the big oak table
in the center of the room.

"Der pig, he moost die," cried Carl tragically.

"Why, what has 'Oof' done now?"

"He has ate all mein gabbages," answered Carl, with almost a sob.
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