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One Day - A sequel to 'Three Weeks' by Anonymous
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love-idyl must reflect in the character and life of the child. Little by
little the baby King grew before my mental vision until I saw at last
there was no escape from his importunity and I allowed the insistent
Boy--masterful even from his inception--to shape himself at his own
sweet will. Thus he became the hero of my study.

This is not a book for children or fools--but for men and women who can
grasp the underlying principle of morality which has been uppermost in
my mind as I wrote. Those who can see beyond the outburst of
passion--the overmastering belief in the power of love to justify all
things, which the Boy inherited so naturally from his Queen mother--will
understand the forces against which the young Prince must needs fight a
losing battle. The transgression was unavoidable to one whose very
conception was beyond the law--the punishment was equally inevitable.

In fairness to this book of mine--and to me--the great moral lesson I
have endeavored to teach must be considered in its entirety, and no
single episode be construed as the book's sole aim. The verdict on my
two years' work rests with you, dear Reader, but at least you may be
sure that I have only tried to show that those who sow the wind shall
reap the whirlwind.



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