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The Story of Manhattan by Charles Hemstreet
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CHAPTER I. The Adventures of Henry Hudson.
From 1609 to 1612

CHAPTER II. The First Traders on the Island.
From 1612 to 1625

CHAPTER III. Peter Minuit, First of the Dutch Governors.
From 1626 to 1633

CHAPTER IV. Walter Van Twiller, Second of the Dutch Governors.
From 1633 to 1637

CHAPTER V. William Kieft and the War with the Indians.
From 1637 to 1647

CHAPTER VI. Peter Stuyvesant, the Last of the Dutch Governors.
From 1647 to 1664

CHAPTER VII. New York Under the English and the Dutch.
From 1664 to 1674

CHAPTER VIII. Something About the Bolting Act.
From 1674 to 1688
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