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Cosmic Consciousness by Ali Nomad
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Lawrence;" The seemingly miraculous power of the Oriental initiate; does
he really "talk" to birds and animals? How they learn to know and read "the
heart of the world." The inner temples throughout Japan. The strange
experience of a Zen (a Holy Order of Japan), student-priest in attaining
_mukti_. The key to Realization. An address by Manikyavasayar, one of the
great Tamil saints of Southern India. The Hindu conception of Cosmic
Consciousness. The Japanese idea of the state. The Buddhist "Life-saving"
monasteries; how the priests extend their consciousness to immeasurable
distances at will. The last incarnation of God in India. His marvelous
insight. The urge of the spiritual yearning for the "Voice of the Mother."
His twelve years of struggle. His final illumination. The unutterable bliss
pictured in his own words. What the Persian mystics allusion to "union with
the Beloved" signifies; its exoteric and its esoteric meaning. The "Way of
the Gods." The chief difference between the message of Jesus and that of
other holy men. The famous "Song of Solomon" and the different
interpretations; a new version. A French writer's evident glimpses of the
new birth. Man's relation to the universe.



The great riddle and a new solution. The persistence of the ideal of
Perfected Man; Has it any basis in history? The superlative faculty of
spiritual sight as depicted by artists, painters and sculptors. Symbols of
consciousness. The way in which the higher consciousness expresses itself.
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