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Dew Drops, Vol. 37, No. 10, March 8, 1914 by Various
page 3 of 25 (12%)
go, only--"No dress up, no clothes," he said sadly.

But that did not trouble Francie. "Why, he can have my brown suit,
can't he, mother? I'd just as soon."

The next day mother took Francie down to see Mrs. Lugi. Little Rafael
was shy at first, but he soon got over it and was friendly as could
be. The little black-eyed Italian mother was very glad to see them.

"I like Rafael go the Christ-church," she said. "I use go myself,

The brown suit, too small for Francie, was just right for Rafael, and
it would have been hard to find two happier little boys than Francie
and his fish when they walked into the Primary class together.

Rafael clapped his hands with the rest when Miss Florence pinned the
fish in the river and the red tag on Francie's blouse.

[Illustration: Miss Florence pinned the fish in the river and the red
tag on Francie's blouse.]

And what do you think? Out in the big room there were two more new
fish, one in Mother Fisher's class and one in Father Fisher's. They
were Mr. Lugi and the little Italian mother, come to Sunday-school
with their little boy.

"Really and truly," Francie said, "seem's if I caught three fish
'stead of one."

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