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Dew Drops, Vol. 37, No. 07, February 15, 1914 by Various
page 3 of 28 (10%)
while mother writes the verses_.]

"Aren't they bee-u-ti-ful," he exclaimed as he laid them in a row on
the dining-room table.

"They are very nice, dear," mother said, "and which do you think are
the prettiest ones?"

Arthur looked a long time at the row of little valentines and then he
said, "These two." One had a little curly-haired child carrying a big
bunch of flowers in her hand, and the verse read:

"This bunch of roses I'm bringing,
Is a valentine for you,
To show that in storm or in sunshine
My love is always true."

And the other valentine had a picture of two little boys carrying a
big basket between them, and this was the little verse:

"What do you s'pose our basket holds?
Give guess one and two.
You'll never think, so I must tell:
It's full of love for you."

"And to whom are you going to give the two prettiest ones?" asked

An earnest look came into Arthur's eyes.

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