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Dew Drops, Vol. 37, No. 34, August 23, 1914 by Various
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VOL. 37, No. 34. Weekly

David C. Cook Publishing Co., Elgin, Illinois

David C. Cook, Jr., Managing Editor
Mabelle M. Carbaugh, Assistant Editor

August 23, 1914

Billikens' Surprise


Gilbert was a little boy who was going to have the first suit of
clothes, that were not homemade. Wasn't that an event! Gilbert thought
so. He was going to the city with father and mother to be fitted.

Mr. Haywood said to his wife. "You'd better take the boy and go with me
as far as Branton. It's the best place I know of, for fitting out little
fellows like him. Maybe I can stop over long enough to help you. I'll
look up the time-table."
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